The Dangers of Online Dating
By Bob Branco
It seems as though every time we turn around, there is an ad on television about online dating. The ad asks single people to apply on a dating site, where they can meet their special someone. Many of these dating sites charge an expensive fee, and we’re supposed to give out as much personal information as possible.
Despite the push for online dating, I still believe that personal contact is the way to meet people. Personality is what counts. When people are communicating with one another on a dating website, they don’t know anything beyond the written word. Anyone can write what they want, whether it’s true or not. There is no way to indicate truth or dishonesty.
If I were searching for my significant other, I would want to meet her, talk to her, get to know her, and figure out her strengths and weaknesses. You can’t do that on the computer. I have heard of cases in which people meet on a dating side, then plan to meet in person, even traveling hundreds of miles to do so, only to discover that the potential date is a fake or a criminal.
This is not to say that online dating never works. I know a woman who met her husband that way, and as far as I know, their marriage is very successful. On the other hand, it’s not the method I would recommend. There are too many unknown factors which take the place of personal introduction at a local library, mall, restaurant, church, or any other place you choose to meet someone.
Online dating has become a popular industry, one that makes a lot of money, and as long as there are many single people out there who believe there is no other way to find their mates, the industry will continue to grow and grow. Despite all that, the human touch is always the answer. So, why not continue to go about your day, meeting people in person and hoping for the best?
(Originally published in Word Matters)
This essay was taken from my book, Weighing Things Up, Book Two; More Essays on Trends, Technology and Present-Day Society.